guest list

Royal Wedding Tips: The Guest List

With the royal wedding just days away, you may have heard talk of who did, and didn't, make the guest list.  While most brides and grooms don't have to deal with the political protocol that William and Kate do, there can be tricky situations when creating you wedding guest list.

How do you decide who to invite?  Maybe one of you has an extremely large family while the other's family is very small. Maybe your parents want to take over and invite their business associates from across the country.  Maybe your venue can only seat half of those you'd like to invite.

Family: Start with your immediate families.  Next add your extended family - grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins.  Many of us have friends that we are closer to than our family; they should be next on the list.

Friends and co-workers: I often tell my brides to imagine watching their wedding video or looking at their photo album in five years - will you still be friends with that person?  If you were having a small dinner at your home, would you invite this person? If the answer is no, then cut them from the list.

The Plus One: Does every person have to bring a guest? No. If they are married, engaged, or living together, then they need to be invited.  But your frat brother doesn't need to bring whatever girl he picked up the night before!

Lastly, don't feel obligated to invite someone just because you went to their wedding. Relationships can change over time, and you shouldn't feel awkward about it.

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