A Few Extra Steps

One of the most important pieces to a bride's outfit on her wedding day is her shoes. While it is common for a bride to wear a pair of shoes she already has, many brides purchase a new pair of shoes for this special occasion. At the end of her wedding day, the last thing any bride would want is a blister. Unfortunately, new shoes are the epitome of such a situation. On the bright side, there are a few ways this unwelcome occurrence can be avoided!

Before purchasing, make sure the shoes you are interested in fit properly. Blisters usually occur because a shoe is too tight or too loose. If a shoe store does not offer the size you need for the shoe you love, ask them if they can check other stores for you. If this does not work, check the internet. Considering that another culprit of blisters is sweating, ensure that your shoe has plenty of breathing room for your foot. These are very important factors to keep in mind before you buy your wedding day shoes.

After making the purchase, wear your new pair around the house for a few hours. This way, you will not only break them in, but you can also make sure they don't blister in places like your heel, or pinky toe. If they do blister, you have two options. You can either exchange that pair for a different one, or arrange to wear Band-Aids in the proper places on your wedding day.

If you plan correctly, blisters and unpleasant foot pains can be easily avoided simply by taking a few extra steps before your wedding.

(photo courtesy of La Dolce Vita Studio, from Michelle and Jamaal's April wedding)

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